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Job Plus Center on Campus, Only University in the Metropolitan Area to Receive Ninth Consecutive ‘Excellent’ Grade

  • Views 1164
  • Writer 커뮤니케이션팀
  • 보도일자 2025-01-22

Sookmyung Women’s University Job Plus Center on Campus received the highest grade of ‘excellent’ in the 2024 Career Plus Center evaluation by the Ministry of Employment and Labor (MOEL). This year’s evaluation marks the ninth consecutive year of Sookmyung Women’s University obtaining the excellent grade, the only university in the metropolitan area to achieve such a feat.

The MOEL University Job Center Project aims to strengthen career guidance by major from lower grades and provide comprehensive employment support services through universities. This project is operated for five years from 2022 to 2026, and Sookmyung has also gained the benefit of extending the project for one year by receiving an excellent grade more than three times during this period.

Sookmyung Women’s University Job Plus Center on Campus enhanced its career and employment service performance by being newly selected for the MOEL's customized employment service project for enrolled students last year. The center prepared detailed programs from the Build Up Project for setting career paths and creating portfolios for lower grades to the Jump Up Project for establishing individual action plans (IAP) and supporting career and employment for upper grades. 

It also actively engaged in social contribution by expanding the target not only to enrolled students, but also to local and post-foster care youths, social service personnel, military personnel, and single-parent mothers. As a result, the center also received the Minister of Employment and Labor Award in the University Career Plus Center category and a letter of appreciation in the employment support category from the ROK Army Headquarters.

Sookmyung Women’s University Job Plus Center on Campus is also preparing for the MOEL's new graduate-specific program project this year. It is expected to prepare comprehensive career and employment programs encompassing enrolled students, graduates, and local youth based on their accumulated know-how.

Sookmyung Women’s University Job Plus Center on Campus Director Son Seo-hui stated, "The achievement of excellent grade for nine consecutive years is a recognition that Sookmyung Women's University has successfully operated the University Career Plus Center Project," and added, "We will help students' successful employment by expanding and applying the career and employment support know-how to unemployed graduates as well."